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Travelling to Kinderdijk
Travel to Kinderdijk by public transport
From Utrecht (Central Station)
Take bus 154 to Rotterdam Zuidplein
Ask the driver to bring you to the Kinderdijk windmill complex
Stamp 17 strips of your strippenkaart
The total time for this journey is approximately 75 minutes
take bus 388 (interliner) to Dordrecht get out at Papendrecht and
take bus 252 or 152 on sundays to Alblasserdam then take Bus 154 to
Utrecht, Nw Lekkerland, Streefkerk.
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From Amsterdam and Schiphol Airport and Rotterdam
Take a train to Rotterdam Central Station
From Rotterdam Central Station take a metro to Zuidplein Station
Stamp 7 strips of your strippenkaart
Take bus 154 to Utrecht
You don't have to stamp the strippenkaart again
Ask the driver to bring you to the Kinderdijk windmill complex
The total time for this journey is approximately 60 minutes
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From Maastricht, Eindhoven, Breda and Dordrecht
Take a train to Dordrecht Station.
Take bus 252 or 152 on sundays to Alblasserdam
Ask the driver to bring you to the Kinderdijk windmill complex
From Alblasserdam take Bus 154 to Utrecht, Nw Lekkerland, Streefkerk.
Ask the driver to bring you to the Kinderdijk windmill complex
Stamp 5 strips of your strippenkaart
The total time for this journey is approximately 60 minutes
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Travel to Kinderdijk by car
From Breda:
Follow the direction Utrecht (Highway A27) untill the Junction Gorinchem.
From Gorinchem Follow the direction Rotterdam (Highway A15)
Take exit 25, and follow the sighs with the windmills
From Utrecht:
Follow the direction Breda (Highway A27) untill the Junction Gorinchem.
From Gorinchem Follow the direction Rotterdam (Highway A15)
Take exit 25, and follow the sighs with the windmills
From Amsterdam
Follow the direction Rotterdam.
From Rotterdam
Kinderdijk is situated at approximately 20 kilometers from the
cityborder of Rotterdam.
From Rotterdam take the highway A16, Near the Ridderkerk juction
turn on to the A15 and follow the direction Gorinchem.
From the highway A15 take the exit number 22, [Alblasserdam], [Kinderdijk].
Turn right at the trafic lights at the end of the exit.
At the end of this road turn right again at the trafic lights.
Follow this road and follow the windmill signs.
Pass the next set of trafic lights and turn left at the next trafic
lights follow this road for about 5 kilometers.
On the right hand side you'll see the windmills of kinderdijk.
You can park on the small parking near the windmills, when ther
is a hort of parking space, especially on Saturdays and sundays you can
park the car on the large parking place near the IHC factory.
The second windmills is opend for visitors 7 days a a week from
april 1st till october 1st between 9.30 and 17.30.
For large groups it can be recommended to make a reservation. (call
+31 -78 - 69 151 79 or write Bezoekmolen Kinderdijk, Nederwaard 5, 2961
AS Kinderdijk, The Netherlands)