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Visiting a windmill:
During the season 2000 the visitors mill of Kinderdijk will be opened from april 1st till october 1st2000, 7 days per week from 9.30 - 17.30
Regular prices:
- Adults: f 4,00
- Children up to 16 years of age: f 2,50
Groups over 10 persons:
- Adults: f 3,50
- Children up to 16 years of age: f 2,00
Operational times of the windmills:
- The visitors windmill operates daily
- Saturday afternoons in July and august all windmills of Kinderdijk will be operational
- The second complete week of September the mills are lighted at night but not operational
Taking a boat trip
From the first of may until the end of september there is a boat trip along the windmills of Kinderdijk.
The boat starts and stops at the beginning of the windmill boulevard, across the giftshop. The trip will take you to the last windmill of the Overwaard and back.
The first trip is at 10.00am and the last one leaves at 4.30pm.
Mills in floodlight
During the second complete week of September all mills are lighted at night, which is called mills in floodlight.
This truelly is an unforgettable memory for every visitor.
National Windmill Day
The second saturday of may is the National Windmill day of the Netherlands
All mills shwoing a dutch flag are opened for visitors, many times there is no entrance fee, sometimes a small donation is required before entering.
Rebuilding of Blokweerse Wip
The windmill of the polder blokweer, called de Blokweerse Wip, dating from 1521
which was destroyed by fire in august 1997 has been rebuilt, and can be viewed
again at the Kinderdijk milling area.
Most parts of the windmill are parts which have been reused from the old one.